Sustainability Tours

Let GEV inspire your journey towards a more mindful and sustainable way of life.

From organic farming practices that nurture the land to renewable energy sources that power our village, we are dedicated to minimizing our environmental footprint. Our eco-initiatives extend to waste reduction, water conservation, and eco-friendly architecture, all harmoniously integrated into the fabric of our community.

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Visit GEV - Govardhan Ecovillage

GEV is a sustainable paradise nestled amidst lush greenery, offering an immersive experience of eco-friendly living and spiritual harmony, blending modern amenities with timeless wisdom. Explore our brochure to learn more about our holistic and environmentally conscious lifestyle in the heart of nature.

Eco Tips : Conscious Living For A Sustainable Future

Environmental Book Club

Start a book club focused on sustainability and environmental awareness. Share insights and inspire each other to make positive changes.


Make compost from your kitchen's wet waste and opt for natural manure and pest control for your plants.

Kitchen Gardening

Grow your own vegetables. Segregate your waste for a cleaner environment.

Zero-Waste Challenge

Challenge Community members to go zero-waste for a day or week. Aim to produce no trash by prioritizing reusable and compostable items.

Reusable Revolution

Invest in reusable shopping bags and say no to single-use plastic bags. Carry a reusable bag whatever you go.

Local Love

Support local farmers and artisan to reduce the environment impact of long-distance transportation. Embrace the beauty of locally sourced products.

Uncycled Art

Get creative with upcycling! Turn old items into art or functional items rather than discarding them.

Community Cleanup

Organize regular community clean-ups to keep public spaces litter-free. It's a hands-on way to care for the environment.

Solar Power

Take the advantage of natural sunlight. Open curtains during the day to reduce the need for artificial lighting.

Donot Litter

Keep your surroundings clear like your home without harming the environment.

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse

Embrace the three R's in your daily life. Minimize waste by reducing items and recycling materials whenever possible.

Mindfull Disposal

Properly dispose of electronic waste by recycling old devices. Send the waste to the recyclers.

Mindful Consumption

Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it's truly necessary. Choose quality over quantity to promote sustainable living.

Green Commute

Opt for eco-friendly transportation like walking, cycling or carpooling. Minimize your carbon emission for a cleaner atmosphere.

Power Pause

Save energy by unplugging chargers and electronic devices when not in use. It's a simple way to reduce your carbon footprint.

Water Wisdom

Conserve water by turning off taps while brushing teeth. Small acts make a big impact on our planet’s water resources

Waste-Free Lunch

Pack your meals in reusable containers to reduce single-use plastic waste. Embrace a sustainable lifestyle one meal at a time

Nature walks

Explore the beauty of nature by taking a walk. Use this time to appreciate and connect with the environment around you

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