Karma Yogi
Karma: The Bondage or Bondless
What is Karma? It’s a complex subject matter for analysis but at the same time, easy to perceive and apply, its common sense.
Karma is nothing but "action". Living entities in a liberated state or worldly state act and build the results of their actions. So based upon this above definition karma also means "influence of past actions".
Therefore simply by logic, Karma means continuity of our past which one may not have a record of, but our present tells us what kind of past one would have had. If not precisely pointing out but still average reality can be felt.
So based upon such reality one is born in a particular set of environment, such birth classifications are called "jati" and "varna". One cannot avoid such stark reality. It is all over the universe, some are born in rich families and some are born poor, why not the other way round? We can call it the influence of past resources to be fancy in our presentation. But it’s "Karma".
Can we change it?
That is what Karma means : to act for activating ourselves.It means one’s discovery of past to build the future instead of being bound or enslaved by the past. Therefore, questioning the justice system of nature is not logical, why not use it to grow beyond our past. The act of trying to grow is all based upon action caused by awareness and desire to grow. Hence, Karma is empowering.
Karma is not there to condemn. It neither conditions, nor it causes grief to oneself infact it is meant to cooperate with our past and seek solutions for the present and to build a great positive legacy for the future. Therefore, Karma is a great concept which is systematically analysed by Hindu scriptures.
- Be aware of your past.
- Be humbled by your past.
- Be active in changing your future.
- Be ambitious for building a more and brighter future.
That is what Karma is.
Of course, the concept of Karma becomes easy to handle if you have Yoga. Therefore, what is Dharma? It’s harmony between "Kriya" i. e, Karma and Yoga which means integrating one’s past, present and future. "Yoga" means harmonizing everything.
So the simple word Karma harmonizes everything: past, pain of past, determination to change and eventually experiencing the change.
Be a Karma Yogi and change your destiny for higher elevation which is for every one, that is Karma.
Article by Govinda Das
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